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Heavenly Palace Laughter Club (1)
Christmas Celebration 2020 (1)
Welcome-cum-Inaugural Session of Meditation by Mahamandleshwar Swami Advaitananda Giri Ji (1)
Birthday Celebration November 2020 (1)
Birthday Celebration October 2020 (1)
Kanjak Pooja on 24-10-2020 (1)
Vijaya Dashmi On 25-10-2020 (1)
Musical Evening on the Auspicious Occasion of Maha Navami & Vijay Dashmi 24-10-2020 (1)
Meditation Session on Light Consciousness (Oct 2020) (1)
Senior Citizens Day & Gandhi Jayanti 2020 (1)
Meditation on Full Moon Oct 2020 (1)
Meditation Session 2020 (1)
Mother’s Day & Birthday Celebration May 2020 (1)
71st REPUBLIC DAY Celebrated At HEAVENLY PALACE And SDM Payal Shri Sagar Setia Launched A New Ambulance (1)
Heavenly Palace organized a musical evening performed by ‘Indian Idol Academy Ludhiana’ (1)
Celebrating the Christmas Spirit! Heavenly Palace celebrated Christmas with great pomp and show. Residents along with Heavenly Angels decorated the Christmas tree and sang Christmas carols. Many residents shared their views about the occasion. It was a day of fun, love, and happiness (1)
Year Goes and the beginning of a New Year with hope, happiness, and good health. The whole family of Heavenly Palace Welcomed 2020 with Smiles & Treats (1)
A High Court & Session Judge Mr. Gurbir Singh along with CGM Dr. Gurpreet Kaur visited Heavenly Palace.They interacted with Senior Citizens & educate them on free facilities of legal matters available for Senior Citizens. (7)
Heavenly Palace,Doraha (Ludhiana) organised a yoga camp in the lush green lawns under the able guidance of Bhartiya Yoga Sansthan. (6)
May Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all May Born Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (4)
A meditation session was conducted on poornima by Heavenly Palace. (4)
Residents of Heavenly Palace arranged a sun set picnic at Rakh Bagh Ludhiana. (10)
Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust celebrated Mother’s day at Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana (20)
lectures and meditation of Brahm Kumaris (5)
Shree Tarak Rishi Maharaj visited Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). He was very warmly welcomed & requested by residents to give pravachans. (3)
DBCT( Dream and Beauty Charitable Trust) along with all residents and Staff celebrated Mr Anil K Monga’s birthday. (5)
The series of lectures and meditation of Brahm Kumaris at Heavenly Palace. (4)
Children of Heavenly angels put on a great performance for the esteemed Mahavir Jain Yukti Mandal ladies visiting the Heavenly Palace. (2)
Cake cutting ceremony for the birthday celebrations of April born senior citizens of Heavenly Palace was held at Heavenly Palace. (4)
An awareness campaign was organised for Mahavir Jain Yuvti Mandal at Heavenly Palace. (5)
A Tambola was arranged at Heavenly Palace to entertain Senior citizens. (5)
Series of accupressure camp has been started by Heavenly Palace for residents & staff. (6)
Heavenly Palace Celebrated Baisakhi festival on 13-April-2018 at Doraha, Ludhiana (17)
Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust organized a musical evening at Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana. (12)
March Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all March Born Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (10)
Kanjak Puja was celebrated by Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust at Brahmbhog Ludhiana. Over 600 underprivileged girls from poor families and slums were treated with dignity and love. (11)
Accupressure camp was organized by Heavenly Palace for residents & staff. It was very fruitful & enlightening session for all residents & staff. (5)
International Women’s Day was celebrated by Heavenly Palace on 08 March 2018. A cake was cut by all women residents of Heavenly Palace. (19)
Holi was celebrated in Heavenly Palace. Everyone danced to the music & played Holi with eco friendly colors. Everyone highly enjoyed and function ended with sumptuous lunch. (20)
February Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all February Born Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (10)
Dr. S.S. Johl’s birthday was celebrated by Heavenly Palace on 24 Feb. 2018. Celebration ended with a cake cutting ceremony and high tea. Dr. S.S. Johl thanked everyone for the wishes. (22)
Heavenly Palace organized a Hawan of Shivaratri. It was performed by Shri Shri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Swami Kailashanand. (10)
Group of Bikers (Harley Davidson) from different parts had come to DBC TRUST to meet orphans of Heavenly Angels. (6)
A birthday celebration was organised of Mr. Amrinder S Dhiman at Heavenly Palace.Mr. Monga, Chairman was also present. Cake was cut and all offered him cake. (7)
Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) celebrated Birthday of their trustee Mr. Anil Singhania in the basement of Brahmbhog. (3)
World Body Building and Physique event was organised at VIBRATION AUDITORIUM OF HEAVENLY PALACE, Doraha (Ludhiana) in collaboration with Sheru Classic. (9)
A Golden Jubilee of Mr. Jagdish Gupta & Mrs. Sushil Gupta was celebrated by Heavenly Palace on 07 Feb. 2018. (11)
69th Republic Day was celebrated in Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana (6)
Lohri was celebrated on 13 Jan. 2018 by all residents of Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (22)
A meditation session was conducted on poornima by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). Even after severe winters residents participated & enjoyed the meditation session with Dr. Pooja Jain. (4)
Tambola & Games was organised at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (6)
A HUGE CELEBRATION was organized on 31 Dec. 2017 in Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) to bid farewell to Mr. 2017 and welcome his successor Mr. 2018. (24)
Fire Fighting (8)
Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace went on picnic to Rakhbagh, Ludhiana. (6)
A Meditation session was conducted by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (4)
A ladies get together was organised of ladies from Ludhiana to meet and interact with the ladies of Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (6)
November Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all November Born Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (8)
Mr. Anil k. Monga (Chairman) and his family spent time with the senior citizens of Heavenly Palace. (9)
A dental lecture on oral hygiene, checkup and dental problems was conducted by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) for senior citizens & children of Heavenly Angels. (12)
A Meditation Session was conducted on Purnima by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (6)
Senior Citizens Day was observed on 01 Nov. 2017 by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (6)
October Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all October Born Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana) (13)
Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust organized festival of lights, Deepawali at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) (17)
A medical camp was organised in Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana with the help of IVY Hospital. (7)
A five day Maha Pooja was organised by Chairman, Mr. Anil K Monga for peace, happiness & well being of residents of Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana. (11)
SEPTEMBER Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all SEPTEMBER BORN senior citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana) (9)
Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust Celebrated International Senior Citizen Day 1st October 2017 in Vibrations Auditorium at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) (38)
Kanjak Pujan of 600 underprivileged girls by NRI Mr. Anil K Monga Chairman, Dream & Beauty Charitable Trust,Doraha (Ludhiana) (26)
Senior Citizen Day was organised at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (16)
Meditation Session was organised at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (3)
A meditation program was organised by Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana). (6)
An Eye Camp was organised at Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) with the help of Fortis Hospital. (7)
AUGUST Month ended with the Birthday Celebrations of all AUGUST BORN senior citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (15)
A series of diet lectures for senior citizens of Heavenly Palace are being organised by IVY Hospital, Khanna (Ludhiana) (10)
Movie “Toilet Ek Prem Katha” was screened for residents in the lobby of Heavenly Palace. (10)
A dental checkup was organised at IVY Hospital, Khanna for the residents of Heavenly Palace. (6)
71st Independence day was celebrated in HEAVENLY PALACE. (9)
Birthday Celebrations of Senior Citizens of Heavenly Palace at Doraha (Ludhiana). (11)
A medical camp was organised in Heavenly Palace, Doraha (Ludhiana) for Residents. (9)
A Hand Mudra, Reikhi and how to live your life camp was organised by Acharya Naman & his team at Heavenly Palace, Doraha, Ludhiana (6)
A pooja was performed to begin a new chapter in the DBC TRUST i.e Heavenly Angels (HA) (10)
Diet & Nutrition Counseling Session by dietician at Heavenly Palace from SPS Hospital Dr. Gopika Puri (7)
A meditation and healing session was organized by Dr. Pooja Jain on Guru Purnima at Heavenly Palace (6)
Medical Camp at Heavenly Palace (13)
Musical Evening with Mrs. Deepika Dhir (6)
Father’s Day (31)
Meditation and Healing session (9)
Musical Evening (20)
Mother’s Day (11)
Meditation, Healing and Counseling session (8)
Baisakhi Function (8)
Guru Purnima (10)
KanjaK Poojan (4)
Heavenly Palace (15)
Karma Hospital (7)
20th Anniversary Celebration (11)
Gala 2010 (17)
Margdarshan (14)
senior citizen day (6)
Holi Celebration (9)
100th birthday celebration of S. GURNAM SINGH (5)
70th Independence Day (4)
Inauguration – Community Kitchen (18)
Gala 2008 (10)
Brahmbhog (8)